Updated 09h58
Tsunami warnings has widened to now include the rest of the Pacific coast, including Australia and South America following the eartquake in Japan.
Updated 09h41
Following, what is now being said to be a 8,8 magnitude quake, a ten metre tsunami has hit, sweeping away everything in its path.
Meanwhile both Narita and Haneda airports have been closed.
Cathay Pacific issued a statement saying that due to the earthquake in Japan, airports in Haneda and Narita are closed. Customers are advised to check flight status before departing for the airport. The airline is monitoring the situation and will have more information available at a later time.
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JAPAN’s norhteastern coast has been hit by a 7,9 magnitude earthquake at around 14h46 local time on March 11. This follows after several quakes had hit the same region in recent days, including a 7,3 magnitude quake on March 9.
Japan’s meteorological agency has since warned that a tsunami reaching 20 feet(6 metres) could hit the coast near Miyagi.Smaller tsunamis of up to 50 centimetres reached some coastal communities, the agency said.
Reuters reports that the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii said a tsunami warning was in effect for Japan, Russia, Marcus Island and the Northern Marianas. A tsunami watch has been issued for Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Hawaii.
Police and coast guard officials said they were assessing possible damage from the quake.
Tokyo's Narita airport is currently evacuating travellers and has stopped all flights following massive earthquake and tsunamis.
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